A Diary of Dreams

Monday, April 23, 2007

False Leg

Just had a dream that I went to the doctor to complain about an uncomfortable feeling in my leg. They said that the only way to deal with it would be to replace it with an artificial one. It looked like the replacement would be just as good, so we (me and my family) agreed.

They did some of the necessary preparations for it and seeing the cost of the operation, I was relieved that it would all be paid for by the National Health Service. On the way home it dawned on me that I would only have one real leg and that it would often be like hopping if I wanted to get into a car or something. I started to regret agreeing to the operation, especially since whatever had been irritating me in my leg seemed to have faded away! However, I was worried that if I said anything, I would be somehow liable for all the costs already paid in the preparatory steps, which ran into the thousands.

Comment- the moral of this story would seem to be not to do unneccesary dramatic things, or, 'If it's not broke, don't fix it'. Waking up, I thought that of course I would call off the operation, but with all the pressures in the dream, that didn't seem like a possible solution at the time.

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