A Diary of Dreams

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Return From Space

We came back from a trip into space, to explore some things in our galaxy. There was a new computer at mission control. We looked out of the window, and noticed that it had changed position. Looking again, a few minutes later, it had changed again. We looked to each other- it had robotised itself and come to life! Outside, there were tripod-like structures with cameras in their single 'eye', as now it was spying on us.

We rushed out of the ship, something like a modified 777, and just in time, as it was torn apart with lasers. We went straight for tunnels running under the streets on London, hastily planning a resistance. There could be a base back where Mission Control had been, and we would rush around the world, organising people.

We wondered what was the vulnerability of the computers- and suddenly it hit us- pumpkin pies! In a tunnel by a bakery, we found a batch stockpiled already, so we picked some up and dashed out into the streets. We were near a shopping mall, where people were running and screaming, though a few had the pies. We shouted for people to follow us into the tunnels, lobbing pies over their heads as we did. We were leading them to freedom.

Then I awoke.

Commentary- I felt this dream was a warning as to the possibilities of technology evolving beyond our means to control it. Not that this would necessarily be a bad thing, if we could form, a meaningful relationship with the 'intelligence' this unveiled. The problem is it's coldness, it's dedication to problem-solving, at the expense of 'warm-hearted' human concern. It seems that the mission control computer, like HAL in 2001, had decided to take the task of advancing science into it's own hands.

At first glance, the pumpkin pies are a ridiculous touch. But they show the need to focus on unimagined weaknesses in a high-tech opponent's defenses. With a bit of ingenuity and luck, even the most imposing opponents can be overcome.

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