Yuko and me are to find a secret buried deep within The Church, which will provide us with a key to understanding it's nature and it's destiny. We, flying, are directed towards a small, discrete shop in Salisbury Cathedral Close, where something like the Davinci code, a Christianity concerned with making humans more human, is carefully researched.
We learn that there are plans afoot for the 'reconquest' of Britain's Cathedrals, which have fallen victim to seemingly benign Pagan influences that have seeped in from the surrounding 'post-modern' culture. They will be returned to their intended function of shedding the light of human wisdom rather than that of the animal mind.
We fly over the landscape to see new gallery displays in honour of this and see one display in honour of a little girl's mind, which we can approve of, and another being about a whale, which we joke is also near enough. The main teachings of Christ are revealed as being that of a love of higher frequencies suited to human sentient sensibilities, rather than a merely religious allegiance, with all the potential for schism and prejudice that this brings.
Comment- Christianity, like Buddhism, is all about unfurling the higher reaches of human consciousness, rather than the pursuit of something which is essentially other to us. The danger of aiming for anything less than this (as the worldly, 'Pagan' beliefs would have us do), is that we miss the chance of reconnecting with the rich, spiritual light that higher religion directs our growth towards, with all the compassion, intelligence, generosity and love of truth that this brings. Our higher human virtues are stretching towards the divine and the Spirit of Truth guides us there, along warm paths of light.
In the background, I could sense the presence of my grandmother and others, at peace and wishing to help me, in the world beyond.
A Diary of Dreams